Hmmm,meski badan jadi ga enak,mual,pusing,mood kadang ga jelas, and badan melar...but I try to enjoy with my pregnancy.... ^_^
Berikut ini artikel menarik yang aku dapat tentang kehamilan 6 minggu;
How Big is the Baby at Six Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby is growing! During pregnancy week 6, your physician will measure your baby with ultrasound, in increments referred to as "crown-rump length" which is basically the distance from the top of your baby's head to his buttocks. At 6 weeks, your baby may be anywhere from 2 to 5mm or roughly the size of half a baby pea. Not very big, but bigger than last week!
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is starting to look more and more like a little organic being during pregnancy week 6. Dark spots should be forming where your baby's eyes and nostrils will eventually take shape. There should also be small pits on the sides of the head where the ears will develop, and tiny buds that will eventually form into the arms and legs. For several weeks your baby's hands and feet will be connected by a layer of webbing between the fingers and toes. Your baby will start responding to sensory input and start moving on his own in the next few weeks.
At 6 weeks of pregnancy, your baby's heart should now be beating at about 100 to 140 beats per minute and blood will start circulating throughout your baby's body. Your healthcare practitioner may be able to see the beating of the heartbeat using ultrasound, though it may still be a few weeks before the heartbeat is detectable via a Doppler device.
Did you know that your baby would actually be able to display reflexes in response to touch even at 6 weeks? This is because the central nervous system is already developing and linking the muscles in the body with the limbs. You'll learn even more amazing facts as you follow your pregnancy week by week.
Your Growth and Development
You may start having some weight gain by 6 weeks pregnant. Most women generally gain about 5 pounds during the entire first trimester, though some will gain more. On the other hand some women will not gain any weight during their first trimester because they are so nauseous from morning sickness. In fact, it isn't uncommon to lose some weight during your first trimester.
Your waist will start to become thicker, particularly if this is not your first pregnancy. Your uterus will also be changing in size now and throughout your pregnancy.
Spotting may or may not occur in the early weeks of pregnancy. It is usually nothing to worry about, however you should always call your healthcare practitioner to report any unusual bleeding, as it may be a sign of impending miscarriage or some other problem.
Changes in You
You may be in the throws of morning sickness by 6 weeks pregnant. Morning sickness during pregnancy is perfectly normal, though some women experience a severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum. This is a pregnancy complication characterized by nausea and vomiting that is so severe that you may require hospitalization. Women affected by hyperemesis gravidarum may experience dehydration, electrolyte deficiencies, and higher weight loss than normal. The common symptoms include rapid weight loss, a fast heartbeat, weakness, and frequent vomiting.
The exact cause of this condition is unknown, though some studies suggest that younger maternal age, obesity and first time pregnancy are potential risk factors for the condition. Typically hospitalization will be necessary to help restore fluids that you are losing through vomiting to help replace electrolytes. Your healthcare provider may also have to provide hyperalimentation, a procedure in which you will receive nutrients and vitamins through an IV line. Your doctor may recommend additional nutritional or vitamin supplementation after your hospitalization to ensure that you are able to store up an adequate number of nutrients for your baby. Normally, this condition will not have any ill effects on your baby once it is treated properly.
By pregnancy at 6 weeks, your uterus is probably about the size of a plum and your breasts are probably getting quite tender. Some women even find the sensation of their shirt rubbing against their breasts uncomfortable. At some point in pregnancy, your areolas or the dark area surrounding your nipple will start to darken. Physicians aren't 100% sure why this occurs, though some believe that the darkening helps the baby find their food source that much faster after birth!
You probably haven't actually started showing yet, though you will be able to detect subtle changes in your body. Your jeans may start to fit less comfortably around the midsection. It will be quite some time, however, before you will actually need to purchase maternity clothes. One thing you might opt to do is to extend the period of time you wear ordinary clothes. You may want to invest in one or two pairs of pants that are a size bigger than your normal clothing. Belly belts are another option. These allow you to continue to wear your pre-pregnancy pants as your waistline expands.

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